Frank Capra’s Walk Of Shame
Frank Capra’s Net Worth: $47 Million

Italian-American film director Frank Capra was a renowned filmmaker. In fact, he was the creative force behind several award-winning movies in the 1930s and 1940s. He received several accolades during his time. He won multiple awards during the entire course of his career, including an Academy Award for Best Directing and a Golden Globe Award for Best Director.

Capra was a brilliant artist and someone who was used to receiving plenty of recognition at award shows. At the 6th Academy Awards in 1934, he genuinely thought he won the award for the Best Director when Will Rogers called up a “Frank” onstage. He was already on his way up the stage when he realized that the award was meant for Frank Lloyd. Him walking back to his seat was painful to watch. It’s a good thing he was still one of the most legendary directors of all time with a whopping net worth of $47 million. He must have left a lot of property investments to his family.
