James Franco and Anne Hathaway Host The Oscars
James Franco’s Net Worth: $20 Million
Anne Hathaway’s Net Worth: $60 Million

James Franco is one of the most good looking stars in Hollywood. He is also an incredibly great actor, painter, and writer. In fact, he even got nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor for his role in the film 127 Hours. Franco got his degree after studying at University of California, Los Angeles and Columbia University School of the Arts. The ever-so-beautiful Anne Hathaway, on the other hand, was the world’s highest paid actress in 2015. She has won numerous accolades including an Academy Award and a Primetime Emmy Award.

Individually, these stars are great, but having them host the 2013 Academy Award show was not the greatest idea in the world. Not only was their chemistry a bit off, with Hathaway being oddly perky and Franco being a little low on energy, it was also just not entertaining to watch. It’s good they have long since laughed away the awkwardness after the gig.
