Madonna’s Cape Incident
Madonna’s Net Worth: $850 Million


American singer-songwriter Madonna, also known as the Queen of Pop, is one of the most important icons in popular culture. Her versatility when it comes to music production and visual presentation is truly remarkable. No wonder her net worth is already estimated to be over $850 million. At this point, she must have several property investments all over the United States. She may be one of the most legendary performers in the world, but like many celebrity events. Stuff like wardrobe malfunction is as common as a technical difficulty.


At the 2015 BRIT Awards, Madonna got in a wardrobe malfunction incident that is still pretty fresh in our memories. The music icon fell off the stage after a dancer ripped her cape off of her. However, she took it like a professional that she is and quickly stood up, continuing her performance. The cape was on too tight, so when the dancer tried to take it off, she went with it. Despite the fact that Madonna rehearsed again and again, sometimes things just don’t go according to plan.
